2016/17 Seminars

Below are details of the LuCiD seminars that took place in our third year (2016-17):

Date: Tuesday 1st November 2016, 11.00-12.30
Venue: Management School LT06, Lancaster University
Title:  Learning the rules: The acquisition of morphological regularities in language
Speaker: Dr Alissa Ferry, University of Manchester

Date: Tuesday 6th December 2016, 11.00-12.30
Venue: Lecture Theatre C, Zochonis Building, University of Manchester
Title: Trials of early intervention in autism: what can they tell us about developmental process and treatment effectiveness
Speaker: Prof Jonathan Green, University of Manchester

Date: Tuesday 10th January 2017, 11.00-12.30
Venue: Management School Lecture Theatre 6, Lancaster University
Title:  New Meanings of ‘thin-skinned’: autonomic and neural correlates of biological sensitivity to context
Speaker:  Dr Sam Wass, University of East London

Date: Tuesday 7th February 2017, 11.00-12.30
Venue: University of Manchester
Title: Child Language as a Life Chances Indicator
Speaker: Prof James Law, Newcastle University
Recording: Audio + Slides

Date: Tuesday 7th March 2017, 11.00-12.30
Venue: University of Liverpool 
Title: Learning to perspective-take in conversation
Speaker: Dr Kirsten Abbot-Smith, University of Kent

Date: Tuesday 4th April 2017, 11.00-12.30
Venue: Room 5.206 University Place, University of Manchester
Title: Exploring word learning difficulties in minimally-verbal children with autism spectrum disorder
Speaker: Dr Calum Hartley, Lancaster University

Date: Tuesday 2nd May 2017, 11.00-12.30
Venue: University of Liverpool 
Title:  Experimental studies of language learning in children
Speaker:  Dr Liz Wonnacott, University College London

Date: Tuesday 6th June 2017, 11.00-12.30
Venue: University of Manchester
Title: Assessing babies at risk of communication disorders
Speaker:  Dr Nicola Botting, City University