Join us for our LuCiD seminar, featuring an in-person talk on Tuesday, 11th February 2025 (11 am UK time - in-person & via Zoom). Dr Saloni Krishnan (Royal Holloway, University of London) will talk about "The role of reward and motivation in language learning"
Abstract: Poor readers typically report enjoying reading less, and this can set up a vicious cycle where opportunities to build word knowledge are reduced. However, why does this happen, and can this cycle be broken? In my talk, I will highlight how we have experimentally investigated motivation for reading and language to address these questions. First, using behavioural and fMRI data, I will demonstrate that word learning elicits intrinsic reward in children. Critically, our results also suggest that the interaction between reward and language systems is influenced by reader knowledge and skills. Second, I will highlight our new paradigms that allow us insight into states of intrinsic motivation for language and reading. High motivation states are associated with better learning, but I will illustrate how this motivation-memory benefit can differ in adults with dyslexia. I will then discuss future directions for this work, including how this might be relevant to designing more optimal learning environments for neurodivergent learners.
How to join the seminar: This seminar will take place in person at the University of Manchester, but we will provide a blended approach for anyone who is unable to attend in person. As always the seminar is free to attend & booking isn't required, just get in touch to request the zoom link and don't forget to join the seminar mailing list
Where to find us on the day: The seminar will be held at the University of Manchester, Samuel Alexander Building A112. The building is marked as number 67 on the campus map.