Over the summer I completed a LuCiD internship at the Liverpool Language Lab, supervised by Dr Claire Noble and Dr Samantha Durrant. During my time there, I worked on a range of projects but my…
Seminars, News, Events & Blog - September 2017
Over the summer, I worked as a research intern for Amy Bidgood at the University of Liverpool, gaining valuable experience in the process. My internship focused on an ongoing project investigating the…
Young children learn words amazingly quickly. Even 6-month-old babies show signs of word recognition1, and by around two years old toddlers can work out what a new word means for themselves, without…
Prof Sabine Stoll (University of Zurich) will give the first LuCiD seminar of 2017/18 on language acquisition in typologically different languages. The seminar will take place at 11am on Tuesday 3 Oct
Watching television or playing with smart phone apps does not have any effect on children’s language development – providing they still spend time reading, researchers have found.
We (that’s Tomoko Tatsumi, me and Julian Pine) have just published a new paper, and I think everyone who does child language research should read it (or, at least, this summary of it). No surprise…