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Seminars, News, Events & Blog
Internship report: Statistical Learning in 8 Month Olds at the University of Liverpool’s Language Lab
Can watching TV actually be good for toddlers?
Understanding how children’s curiosity drives their learning
Investigating the Goldilocks effect in infant visual exploration
What's in a name? Diagnostic labels matter
Language learning by numbers
The dog that didn’t bark: Uncovering the hidden grammatical impairment in Autism Spectrum Disorder
From signing to 'sensory': can trendy baby classes really boost a child's development?
Measuring a very young child’s language and communication skills in developing countries
LuCiD goes down under to learn about child's play!
Ewww! How does emotion during labelling affect children’s word learning?
Sifting the fact from fiction about baby sign language
More than meets the eye: how children can learn verbs from what they hear, not what they see.
Toddler robots help solve the language puzzle
It's not just what you said, but how you said it: Natural language cues assist language processing
International Congress on Infant Studies (ICIS) 2016: My Experience
The Canberra Longitudinal Child Language Project: What's new with our colleagues down under
My first foray into child language research: A Nuffield Placement Student's Blog
Internship report: A good book? The grammatical properties of shared reading
Internship report: The acquisition of complex syntax
Internship report: Investigating how infants use high frequency words at the Lancaster Babylab
Internship Report: Testing the validity of the Babble Checklist
Learning words affects how babies see objects
Blog: 2nd LuCiD Language and Communicative Development Conference
Blog: Reading development workshop, Tianjin Normal University, China
Blog: Art Baby - Music Baby - Language Baby
Blog: Research visit to the Cornell Cognitive Neuroscience Lab
My 6 weeks at Harvard
Other Cultures, Other Languages: Learning to talk around the world
How to study language: Electrodes are not the only answer
From a beach in Poland to a frozen lake in Finland: Testing grammar learning in different languages is no holiday!
How to Study Language: Why Do We Put Electrodes on People’s Heads?
Born Talking
Encouraging parents to enjoy reading with their children: Findings from The Reader’s ‘Shared Reading’ programme
Language shapes how babies see the world
Blog: The 3rd LuCiD Language and Communicative Development Conference
Research visit to the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig
Nuffield internship: How the sequence of events in a sentence affects people's understanding
LuCiD in Estonia
Communicating before speech: Infant’s ‘hold out’ gestures reflect instances of early, intentional communication.
Internship report: ManyBabies infant-directed speech project
Studying input effects in child language acquisition? It’s Hip To Be (Chi) Square
Kia Ora, Dunedin: My research visit to the University of Otago
Internship report: Investigating the link between infant vocabulary development and symbolic play
All the right noises
Internship blog: The Many Babies Project, Liverpool
Internship blog: Complex sentences in early child language
Understanding children’s scale errors
How to choose and evaluate interventions for promoting language skills
Understanding how children learn language: What progress has been made since 1965?
Primary foreign languages – an opportunity for children learning English as an Additional Language (EAL) to excel?
Insights from Using Evidence on the Ground with The Communication Trust
Real languages in the hand: myths and facts about sign languages
Han Ke: My Research Visit to the Max Planck Institute for Cognitive Brain Sciences in Leipzig
Complex sentences, modal verbs, and EAL pupils’ experiences of learning MFL
Learning brand new ways to study infant social development – A mini lab tour
The influence of child-directed speech on children’s acquisition of category labels
Thinking out loud: How children talk about others' thoughts
Supporting language learning in the preschool years: the campaign at the heart of the BBC’s new Education Strategy
How infants use communicative signals
Research and policy – across the great divide
Learning about cutting edge research at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
Learning about magnetoencephalography at the University of Helsinki
Newborns use multiple cues to separate the words in speech
Thank You to all the Language 0-5 families
Children use analogy rather than rules when learning language
How should you talk to your baby?
Look here! How do babies know where we’re looking?
Learning about dual head-mounted eyetracking at Indiana University
The impact of parental mind-mindedness and contingent responding on children’s later vocabulary
Investigating the link between category structure and Autism
Artificial Language Learning at the UCL Language Learning Lab
Cross-linguistic study of children's language, source monitoring and perspective taking
Comparing how French- and English-learning babies learn their language
Does speed of processing or vocabulary size predict later language growth in toddlers?
Language intervention for children with Down syndrome
Story Starters Update: Evaluating a volunteer-led shared book reading intervention
Cat or Cats? Italian-learning infants understand singular/plural rules sooner than English-learning infants
A Short Research Visit to the Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language
Why is Language Unlimited? David Adger’s book’s take on possessive ‘s
Have you ever wondered how you learned to talk?
Talking to your baby – is there a ‘right’ way?
“Let me teach you what I know”– How do toddlers decide what to teach to others?
International lab visits in the time of Covid 19
"It is not easy, nor simple nor cheap to improve children’s early language skills"
What’s next? – Guessing upcoming words may be key to how children learn language
Solving the language puzzle: How we learn words and sentences at the same time
Languages in lockdown: Time to think about multilingualism
Can late talkers use words to help scaffold their understanding of how pictures and objects relate to one another?
Curiosity-Based Learning: Project Update
Retrieval-based word learning in children with Developmental Language Disorder: Implications for practice
Capture Curiosity from the Cradle
How has lockdown affected children’s language development?
How children and adults understand pronouns.
Children’s early movement and language skills – what’s the link?
Internship report: An unconventional internship with Dr Kelly Burgoyne
A meta-analysis of infant speed of processing and vocabulary development
Supporting daily reading for the reluctant reader
Evidence-based tips for boosting your child’s language development
Three lessons on how we should teach reading
Why verb endings are harder to learn in English than in Spanish
How Preschool Teachers Speak to Children with Different Language Backgrounds
The impact of perceived emotions on toddlers' word learning
Investigating sentence processing, object categorisation and attending an international conference
How do children comprehend and produce complex sentences?
My LCICD conference experience
What types of information children prefer to pass onto others
My Six-week Experience Researching the Impact of Retrieval on Word Learning
What is children’s home language learning environment?
Baby's got rhythm: How the developing brain prepares for language
Connecting Infant Curiosity and Language Development at the MPI for Psycholinguistics
Now you see me, now you don’t! Can children learn language during online interactions?
Our pronoun project is hotter than a Texas summer.
Why computational linguistics can lasso new insights into how humans understand pronouns.
What role does language play on taking others’ perspectives?
The sound of silence
Research visit to the University of Toronto's ChiLD Lab
LuCiD Summer Internship report
Exploring Language Development: A Week at MPI Nijmegen with LuCiD Travel Grant
Investigating the Quality of Language in Children’s YouTube Videos: My LuCiD Summer Internship Journey
LuCiD Travel Grant Journey: Exploring Brain Predictions, Baby Language Acquisition, and Collaborative Insights at Donders Institute
From LuCiD Intern to Aspiring Researcher: Navigating Challenges and Embracing Opportunities in Speech and Language Therapy
Look and learn: How different patterns of looking when speaking changes the way children learn
Toddlers’ mistakes can be learned from their caregivers’ questions.
A research visit to Birkbeck ToddlerLab
Predictions everywhere: visiting the Predictive Brain lab in Nijmegen
Finding their voice: Taking a look at the English oral language difficulties faced by children learning English as an additional language.
LuCiD and the World of Educational Apps: My Summer Internship
Investigating social communicative development in multi-age samples
LuCiD Intern Diaries: Investigating the impact British Sign Language has on visual perception.
Sorry, what?! Imaging the hippocampus and neocortex to understand the formation of speech memories.
When is a cow a dog? How children’s understanding of words changes over development.
Building Realistic Models of Language Development
Catch us at the UK Baby and Toddler Show in February!
Meet LuCiD researchers at Campus in the City, 10-11 April
LuCiD Seminar Series
Learning Grammar from Sound and Meaning -14 April
LuCiD Launch Event 19 Feb 2015
Tony McEnery Seminar: Collocations in context. Tuesday 5th May
Online Course: How do children learn language?
SLT Workshop: Methods for informally assessing children’s language
Sleep and time-dependent learning in infants and young children
Children's early language development webinar, 15 July
Evan Kidd Seminar: Role of frequency in syntax acquisition and processing
Free family fun day at the Manchester Museum, 7-8 November
Trials and Tribulations: Applying Research to Practice
LuCiD Seminar: Popular Science Writing for the Sceptical
Understanding word learning difficulties in autism: insights from sibling studies
Free webinar: How children learn words and how we can support the early stages of language acquisition
Join LuCiD Lancaster for Campus in the City, 4-6 May
Liverpool meets the scientists at The World Museum
Seminar: Children’s reasoning with peers
LuCiD Seminar Series Programme 2016/17 now published
2nd LuCiD Language and Communicative Development Conference, 21-22 September 2016
Day Course: How do children learn language?
LuCiD Seminar: Learning the rules - the acquisition of morphological regularities in language
Webinar: Communication Interventions for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: iPads and Pictures
Language Baby at the Whitworth: Find out more about babies' early communication
The Art of Conversation: Stockport Early Years Improvement Team Conference
LuCiD Seminar: Trials of early intervention in autism
Seminar: New meanings of 'thin-skinned': autonomic and neural correlates of biological sensitivity to context
Seminar: Child language as a life chances indicator
LuCiD Seminar: Learning to perspective take in conversation
LuCiD at Nursery World Show North, 5 May
LuCiD to give keynote at Talk to Your Baby 2017, 13th March
Language baby returns to the Whitworth
LuCiD Seminar: Exploring word learning difficulties in minimally-verbal children with autism spectrum disorder
Baby Research put in Practice with Baby Sensory Lancaster at the Lancaster Community Open Day
LuCiD Seminar: Experimental studies of language learning in children
LuCiD Seminar: Assessing babies and young children at risk of communication disorders
3rd LuCiD Language and Communicative Development Conference, 6-7 July 2017
Introducing A Level students to child language acquisition research
Seminar: Language acquisition in typologically different languages
New insights into curiosity-driven learning
Seminar: Socioeconomic disparities in early language development
(How) Can Infants Learn Words From Statistics?
Seminar: Investigating the effectiveness of SLT interventions in a special school for children and adolescents with severe language disorders
Seminar: Bootstrapping language acquisition
Seminar: The role of shared book reading in language development
Meet our scientists at the Walker Art Gallery on Saturday
LuCiD's 4th Language and Communicative Development Conference
2018/19 seminar series schedule now published
Seminar: Expectation-driven language learning
Seminar: In(put) and out(put) of syntactic acquisition
Little Chatterboxes at the Manchester Central Library
Seminar: The role of register-specific words in early lexical development
Seminar: Vocabulary and comprehension: a two-way street
Seminar: Experience-dependent brain development as a way to understand systematicity in morphology acquisition
Seminar: Developmental Robotics for Language Learning, Trust and Theory of Mind
Seminar: Shedding light on infant brain and cognitive development in Africa: the BRIGHT Project
Seminar: The role of input, intake and learning biases in the acquisition of (morpho-) syntax
Seminar: How children learn to use language for social communication
LuCiD's 5th International Language and Communicative Development Conference, 12-13 June 2019
LuCiD's 5th Annual International Language and Communicative Development Conference, 12-13 June 2019 (1)
Seminar: Developing language provision across groups of schools - how might we make a difference?
Seminar- Risk Factors for Poor Reading: Implications for the Relationship Between Dyslexia and Developmental Language Disorder
Seminar: Learning Words from Context: Predictions of Context-counting and Context-predicting Models on Vocabulary Acquisition
Seminar Postponed: Verb Selection as the Heart of Intervention: The Impact on Outcomes and Implications for Implementation
Free advice sessions to support teaching children with Down syndrome at home
FREE Early Years Summit on Speech, Language and Communication
Muso Baby Virtual - Online Parent and Baby Sessions
Seminar: Virtual bargaining: The hidden logic of joint action and communication
LuCiD Seminar: Acquisition across languages and cultures
Online Seminar: Stability and change in developmental language disorder
University of Manchester to host next Child Language Symposium in 2023
Online seminar: Retrieval-Based Word Learning in Children with Developmental Language Disorder
Seminar: Noise and Development: Infant Attention in the Middle of Everything
Children Learning Adjectives: Free research workshop and practitioner CPD
Baby and Child Research Centre Science Slam, online 20 February, 7pm
Online seminar: How does short-term syntactic priming lead to long-term language learning?
Online seminar: Interventions to improve children’s early language skills
Online Seminar: How High Quality Language Create High Quality Learning Environments
Online Seminar: Principles of Embodied Language Learning: Active Infants in Structured Physical, Social, and Cultural Environments
Abralin online lectures: How to Build a Language Acquisition Device
Online Seminar: (A)typical trajectories of complex sentence comprehension from pre-school-age to adolescence
Online Seminar: Curiosity-driven learning in early childhood
Online Seminar: Exploring the role of information structure in understanding pronouns
Online Seminar: The role of prediction in language development
Online Seminar: Learning words from overheard language input
Online Seminar: Cross-cultural differences in the relationship between language and Theory of Mind development
LuCiD Seminar - Language Acquisition: A Temporal Sampling Perspective
Online Seminar: Modeling children's early language learning by building cross-linguistic data resources
LuCiD Seminar - Under control: exploring the role of visual attention control in early language acquisition
LuCiD Seminar - UG approaches to language development: How have they responded to challenges from the usage-based approach?
Online Seminar: Learning to read
LCICD 2023
Faces, Voices, Social Expectations, First Impressions: Insights from Autism
Many Paths to Language Workshop
Light Up Lancaster: The Art of Words
Seminar Series