Do you want to learn more about how children acquire language? If so, this new online course from the University of Liverpool may be just what you're looking for.
Developed by LuCiD's Amy Bidgood, this 5 week course will explore how children learn language: how they pronounce words, how their vocabulary develops and how they learn grammar. It will also discuss the question of whether language is innate.
The course will be of interest to anyone curious about linguistics or developmental psychology, and will help parents and those working with children to discover why language develops the way it does. It will also appeal to those working in education and with young children, and may count towards CPD. A classroom-based version of this course will be running in autumn 2015.
Dates: 8th June 2015 – 10th August 2015
Places Available: 25
Course Fee: £150
For more information and to book, please visit the course page.