Our Partners
The ESRC International Centre for Language and Communicative Development (LuCiD) brings together world-leading language development experts. The hub of our research takes place in the North-West of England at the University of Manchester, the University of Liverpool and Lancaster University. We are supported by a team of international researchers based across Europe, the US and Australia.

Lancaster University
Researchers from the Department of Psychology and the Department of Linguistics and English Language at Lancaster University are involved in projects for LuCiD. Many of their studies take place at Lancaster's state of the art babylab.

University of Liverpool
Researchers from the School of Psychology and the Department of Computer Science are working on LuCiD projects from a study following 80 children's language learning over 5 years, to an app providing parents with a record of their child's language learning and giving parents advice tailored to their child's developmental level.

University of Manchester
LuCiD draws on the experience of researchers from the School of Psychological Sciences and from Linguistics and English Language at the University of Manchester, with many studies taking place in the Child Study Centre.

Australian National University
LuCiD is collaborating with Dr Evan Kidd and the ANU Language Lab. They are conducting a longitudinal study, similar to our Language 0-5 study in Canberra, Australia, so we will be sharing and comparing ideas.

Cornell University
Prof Morten Christiansen, Co-Director of Cognitive Science at Cornell, will be advising researchers from LuCiD on the design and analysis for a number of our studies.

Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
Profs Caroline Rowland and Evan Kidd from the Language Development Department at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, are supporting our work in the Beyond 0-5: Oral Language to Literacy stream.