Our next LuCiD seminar is on Tuesday 6th December 2022 (11am UK time). Prof Elena Lieven (University of Manchester) will talk about UG approaches to language development: How have they responded to challenges from the usage-based approach?
Abstract: In this talk I assess the ways in which approaches to language development within the Universal Grammar framework have dealt with challenges from the usage-based approach. I will suggest that, while, of course, humans are evolutionarily adapted for complex learning, nativist proposals including those of innate principles and parameters and linking rules are unnecessary to solve the problem of how children learn their language(s). Many of the proposals coming from nativist approaches invoke learning and processing mechanisms that are similar to those of constructivist, usage-based theories but I will argue that they do not require the innate linguistic structures proposed.
How to join the seminar: This seminar will take place in person at the University of Manchester, but we will provide a blended approach for anyone who is unable to attend in person. As always the seminar is free to attend & booking isn't required, just get in touch to request the zoom link and don't forget to join the seminar mailing list
Where to find us: Theatre B in the Zochonis Building. The Zochonis Building is number 60 on the campus map Theatre B is located on the ground floor, along the corridor on the right as you enter.