The way we communicate is changing rapidly. It is exactly 10 years ago this month (29th June 2017) that the first iPhone was released, and smartphones have transformed the way in which people keep in touch with each other and interact. There are very strong opinions on how this change in technology has affected our communication, but as yet very little real research investigating how screen time influences children’s learning. Smartphones bring both challenges and also huge opportunities for how we communicate and learn.
To address this evidence gap, researchers at the LuCiD Centre are investigating how availability of phones, tablets, TVs, and books affect children’s language development. They want to hear from caregivers of children aged 6 months to 3 years about experiences of language learning and exposure to different media, via a short survey. You can help contribute to this important research by completing the survey, or by sharing the link (bit.ly/mediausesurvey) with your networks.