Dr Jelena Mirkovic will present the next LuCiD seminar on learning grammar from sound and meaning. The seminar will take place from 12.00-13.30 on Tuesday 14th April at the University of Liverpool and is open to anyone wishing to attend.
The psychological and neural mechanisms underlying grammar learning have been a topic of a long-standing debate between abstract (rule-based) and statistical learning approaches to language processing. In this talk I will present a computational model and several behavioural studies exploring the learning of grammatical gender as a test case. The studies will assess the extent to which grammar learning relies on domain-general neural mechanisms underpinning learning and memory in both linguistic and non-linguistic domains.
Where: LT3, Rendall Building University of Liverpool
When: 12.00-13.30, Tuesday 14th April
The Rendall Building is number 432 on the University of Liverpool campus map
More Information
View the seminar poster for further details. (PDF will open in new window)