Join us for our next LuCiD seminar, featuring an online talk on Tuesday, 5th March 2024 (11 am UK time - via Zoom). Dr Teodora Gliga (University of East Anglia) will talk about Understanding the Interplay Between Early Conceptual and Vocabulary Learning.
Abstract: Noticing similarities between objects to group them into categories is one of the earliest developing human abilities. In this talk, I will raise the possibility that perceptual category learning may only occur in optimal conditions created by the type of paradigms developmental scientists use to elicit learning in the lab. In contrast, I will suggest that category learning "in the real world" requires supervision, which most commonly takes the form of caregivers naming things. I will discuss how studying infants with reduced access to language (i.e. deaf infants born to hearing families) helps us understand the role of linguistic and non-linguistic scaffolding in early conceptual development and I will describe our current methodological efforts to quantify the conceptual luggage children acquire outside the lab.
How to join the seminar: Please note that, unlike previous seminars, this seminar will only be online via Zoom. You should have received your Zoom link if you are on our email list. Alternatively, get in touch to request the zoom link and don't forget to join the seminar mailing list.
As always, the seminar is free to attend, and booking isn't required.