The BBC has released some taster videos from their upcoming Tiny Happy People campaign. The initiative aims to empower parents and practitioners to support children's language development through a number of videos, resources and activities.
The campaign will launch officially in 2020 and comes as part of long term commitment from the BBC to halve the language gap among children under 5 across the UK (a gap which sees the most disadvantaged children as many as 19 months behind their more affluent peers in vocabulary development at school entry1).
LuCiD's Prof Julian Pine is part of a Language Advisory Group who together are ensuring the campaign is evidence based and centred on what really works to support language development. (You can find out more about this Group in a blog Julian wrote with Dr Danielle Matthews).
And to make things even more exciting, our very own Dr Michelle Peter features in a number of the videos. You can see her talking about how a simple game of Peek-A-Boo can be an important part of your baby's development.
1. The Sutton Trust (2012). Social mobility and education gaps in the four major Anglophone countries. Report of The Sutton Trust/ Carnegie Social Mobility Summit held at the Royal Society.