Join us for our last LuCiD seminar before we break for summer, featuring an in-person talk on Tuesday, 4th June 2024 (11 am UK time - in-person & via Zoom). Dr Zara Harmon (Max Planck Institute, Nijmegen) will talk about What contributes to ease of access during generalization?
Abstract: From a young age, children demonstrate the ability to flexibly create novel linguistic structures. However, both the nature of the representations that support this type of generalization as well as the generalization mechanisms that aid children in learning novel structures remain a matter of dispute. In this talk, I address two fundamental questions in language acquisition: How do we generalize successfully, and how do we get there? I present evidence from both experimental and computational work, showing that learning to process and plan sequential structures involves a competitive integration of different cues. This integrative process leads to the development of flexible representations, and supports the processing and generation of both familiar and novel structures.
How to join the seminar: This seminar will take place in person at the University of Manchester, but we will provide a blended approach for anyone who is unable to attend in person. As always the seminar is free to attend & booking isn't required, just get in touch to request the zoom link and don't forget to join the seminar mailing list
Where to find us on the day: University of Manchester Theatre D, Zochonis Building. The Zochonis Building is number 60 on the campus map.