Dr Teodora Gliga will present the next LuCiD seminar on understanding word learning difficulties in autism. The seminar will take place from 11.00-12.30 on Tuesday 2nd February at the Lancaster University and is open to anyone wishing to attend.
Research into early language development has been driven by a debate between the need for domain specific mechanisms (e.g. an understanding of reference) or for domain general skills (e.g. associative learning, attention). Interestingly, prospective studies of infants at family risk for autism (i.e. infant sibs studies) have reignited a similar debate between proponents of a "social brain" vs a domain general origin of this disorder. Already by their first birthday, infants that go on to develop autism lag in their vocabulary growth. I will argue that investigating the origin of their communication difficulties offers unique opportunities for understanding developmental pathways to language. I will review emerging findings from the British Autism Study of Infant Siblings and other similar studies around the world, with an emphasis on early pre-requisites and predictors of vocabulary development.
Where: Room D18, Fylde Building, Lancaster University
When: 11.00-12.30, Tuesday 2nd February
Details for getting to Lancaster University can be found on their website, and Fylde Building is building 47, grid reference D8 on the campus map.
More Information
View the seminar poster for further details. (PDF will open in new window)