Dr Ben Ambridge, author of Psy-Q: A Mind-Bending Miscellany Of Everyday Psychology, will share his experience of popular science writing in the first LuCiD seminar of 2016. Ben will discuss the practicalities, pitfalls and positives of popular science writing.
The seminar will take place from 11-12.30 at the University of Liverpool and is open to anyone wishing to attend.
LuCiD holds monthly seminars on a variety of topics linked to our research. Seminars are open to anyone and alternate venues between the three collaborating North West universities. Find out more about upcoming seminars and past seminars.
Where: Lecture Theatre 8, Rendall Building (building 432 on the campus map), University of Liverpool
When: 11.00 - 12.30, Tuesday 12th January
More information
For further details, please see the seminar poster