Prof Nicola Botting, City University, will present the next LuCiD Seminar on Assessing babies and young children at risk of communication disorders. The seminar will take place from 11-12.30 on Tuesday 6th June at the University of Manchester. This is the final seminar of the 2016/17 academic year.
Assessing the language levels of children is always a challenge. However it is particularly difficult for younger children who are at risk of communication disorders or those for whom language learning abilities might be difficult to ascertain. Dynamic assessments, parent report measures and narrative tasks are three ways in which some of the difficulties might be overcome. This presentation will address some of the conceptual aspects of measurement as well as describing some new research which is developing tools for these populations.
Seminar Logistics
Where: Turing Seminar Room, Coupland 1 Building (building 43 on the Campus Map), University of Manchester
When: 11.00 - 12.30, Tuesday 6th June 2017
More Information: Full details can be found on this event poster.
LuCiD Seminars
LuCiD holds monthly seminars on a variety of topics linked to our research. Seminars are open to anyone and alternate venues between the three collaborating North West universities. Find out more about upcoming seminars and past seminars.