Our second LuCiD seminar of the new academic year 2022/23 is on Tuesday 4th October 2022 (5pm UK time via Zoom). Prof Michael Frank (Stanford University) will talk about Modeling children's early language learning by building cross-linguistic data resources.
Abstract: Every typically developing child learns to talk, but children vary tremendously in how and when they do so. What predicts this variability, and what is consistent across children and across learners of different languages? In this talk, I’ll describe our efforts to create predictive models of early language learning as a way of formalizing hypotheses in this space. This goal has led us to create open data resources like Wordbank, childes-db, and Peekbank that capture data from tens of thousands of children learning dozens of different languages.
How to join the seminar: Our seminars are currently online, free to attend & booking isn't required, just get in touch to request the zoom link or to join the seminar mailing list.