Megan Dixon will give the next LuCiD seminar on Tuesday 14th January, 11-12.30 at the University of Manchester. Megan is a Senior Associate at the Education Endowment Foundation and was Director of Research and Development and English Lead at the Aspire Educational Trust. In her seminar, she will share her experience of developing language provision across groups of schools. The seminar will take place in room 4.04, Simon Building at the University of Manchester. The seminar is free to attend.
The translation of research evidence into effective practice in education is a complex process, ultimately seeking to change the habits and behaviours of teachers and leaders (Wiliam 2007). The work of Professor Susan Michie and colleagues at the Centre for Behaviour Change at UCL, suggests that any interventions seeking to effect sustained behaviour change should attend to the Capabilities, Opportunities and Motivations of those involved – the COM-B model (Michie 2011).
In this talk, I will present two case studies of the sustained development of language provision across groups of schools, through the lens of the COM-B model. The first case study explores the impact of developing a multi-agency collaboration to the identification and support for children with speech, language and communication needs within a multi-academy trust. The second case study shares the impact of a four year sustained collaboration between a local authority and a Research School to make a difference for disadvantaged learners in a group of 16 schools. I will present data exploring the impact of both approaches before examining the limitations of the interventions, drawing attention to the challenges in implementing and sustaining the gains made.
Michie, S., van Stralen, M. M., & West, R. (2011). The behaviour change wheel: a new method for characterising and designing behaviour change interventions. Implementation science : IS, 6, 42. doi:10.1186/1748-5908-6-42
Wiliam, D (2007) Changing classroom practice. Educational Leadership 65(4): 36–42