It's been a great week for a couple of members of our wider network.
Firstly, Lancaster University's James Brand successfully defended his PhD thesis and can now officially be called Dr James Brand! James' PhD looked at The role of cognitive factors on the development and evolution of the vocabulary and was supervised by LuCiD's Prof Padraic Monaghan and Prof Peter Walker.
Secondly, University of Manchester student, Amber Muhinyi, won 1st prize in the Best Student Poster Award at the 14th International Congress for the Study of Child Language. Amber's poster presented her research on Effects of story complexity on mothers' abstract language use during shared reading with preschoolers. Amber is supervised by Dr Anne Hesketh, Dr Andrew Stewart and LuCiD's Prof Caroline Rowland.
Congratulations James and Amber. It's great to see all of your hard work paying off!