Below are the studies currently available online, along with details of how to take part. All the studies are designed to be fun (normally they involve playing a game or answering some questions) and are a nice way to add a bit of variety to your day!
Young infant and toddler's object interaction - recruiting 5 - 24 month olds
In this study Elena Altmann from Lancaster University Babylab is looking to learn how infants and toddlers interact with objects, people and places they encounter. Even though we know that each child has a unique personality and unique preferences for what to do and how to do it, we don't know much about how they differ from each other. This questionnaire will help us understand these differences. The questionnaire contains 37 statements for you to evaluate with your child in mind. It should not take longer than 15-20 minutes to complete. This questionnaire should ideally be completed via laptop or pc. Please click here to complete the survey.
What do children teach others - recruiting 6 - 9 year olds (currently UK based)
We are inviting children aged 6-9 to take part in an online interactive study taking place via a video call from home and lasting under 15 minutes. Children will learn some new facts and will be asked to share what they've learned with someone else, with their decisions recorded on video. In you would like more information or interested in taking part, please contact Didar Karadag at [email protected] This study is run by the Active Learning Lab, which is affiliated with the Lancaster University Babylab.
Do you and your pupils WONDER in your classroom? - recruiting primary school teachers (currently UK based)
This study looks at whether and how teachers nurture children’s wonder at school. We want to gain a better understanding of children's active learning, and how we can nurture concepts to enhance children’s wonder about the world around them. This questionnaire is anonymous and will take about 10 minutes to complete via the online survey: https://tinyurl.com/TeacherWonder. If you have any questions, please get in touch with the Active Learning Lab, which is affiliated with the Lancaster University Babylab.
Children’s language environment and language development
We are looking for families to help us with a new study. We are trying to find out more about how children learn Chinese, Urdu, and/or English at home before they start going to school. Our survey is anonymous and asks questions about the child, the family and their everyday family routines, it should take about 20-30 minutes to complete, and it can be done at the parents' convenience. We are seeking families in which Urdu or Chinese is spoken as one of your languages, or English is your only language, and your child(ren) are typically developing and aged 3 years to 5 years and 6 months who are not in Reception/school yet. Parents will receive an e-voucher for completing the online survey. For more information contact: Dr Chen Zhao, email: [email protected], Mobile: 0779 593 0180
In-person studies
We have since resumed to in-person studies and always rely on the help of hundreds of parents and children who are willing to travel to one of our testing sites. If you have a child aged 0-5 years and would like to hear about upcoming studies, then you can register your interest with the lab(s) nearest to you. Our studies take place in Lancaster, Liverpool and Manchester and you should register via the relevant link(s) below:
University of Liverpool Child Language Study Centre
University of Manchester Child Study Centre
If you join the volunteer list you are not, at this stage, agreeing to take part in a study. You are simply agreeing to be contacted about future studies.