Dr Bahar Köymen will present the next LuCiD seminar on children's reasoning with peers. The seminar will take place from 11.00-12.30 on Tuesday 7th June at the Lancaster University and is open to…
Seminars, News, Events & Blog - 2016

It was a delightful Saturday morning in Liverpool. The sun was cracking the flags, the birds were singing with glee, and the local ice cream men were out in force, battling for the attention of the…

Elizabeth Kirk, University of York What if babies could tell us what they want, before they start crying for it? Bring in baby signing, a system of symbolic hand gestures for key works such as “milk”,

Come and learn with LuCiD researchers from the Lancaster Babylab at Campus in the City 2016. The team of child psychologists will be taking up residence in a shop in Lancaster city centre this week to

Amy Bidgood, Research Associate for the Language 0-5 project, has written two articles about language development for English and Media Centre's eMagazine. The first article, Learning about Language…

We know that the way in which words are presented will affect how children learn them. Some words refer to amazing and exciting things (chocolate, birthday, santa!!), but some refer to things that we