Identifying words from continuous speech is difficult, but languages contain several cues that can help us, including the way that syllables appearing at the end of words tend to be longer in duration
Seminars, News, Events & Blog - 2016
Here are LuCiD, we are often asked to recommend good quality research papers on the role that parents have in their children's language development. In our latest evidence briefing, Profs Julian Pine…
As one of the lucky recipients of the LuCiD Travel Award, I was able to spend October at Cornell University, US, working as part of Prof Morten Christiansen’s Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory (CNL).
Children learn new words using the same method as robots according to psychologists. This suggests that early learning is based not on conscious thought but on an automatic ability to associate…
Prof Jonathan Green will present the next LuCiD seminar on Trials of early intervention in autism: what they can tell us about developmental process and treatment effectiveness. The seminar will take…
LuCiD joined forces with the Whitworth art gallery to host Art baby- Music baby – Language baby as part of this year’s ESRC Festival of Social Science. The day comprised of 4 multi-sensory workshops