Human beings have the most unique and complicated language system. We use language to understand others and to express needs, thoughts and feelings. Language plays a crucial role in our whole life.…
Over the course of a six-week period this summer, I was fortunate enough to undertake the LuCiD internship. During this, I worked under the leadership of Dr Kelly Burgoyne and Dr Laura Boundy on a…
Over my summer break, I had the privilege to work as a LuCiD Intern at the Lancaster University Babylab and the affiliated Active Learning Lab (ALL). These six weeks have been an invaluable…
At the end of August 2022, I presented a poster at the Lancaster Conference on Infant and Early Child Development (LCICD). This is the first time I attended this conference and is the first conference
In everyday language, we often use one sentence to describe several events. For example, when we describe daily routine, we may say something like “I usually have a coffee before I start working”, or…
For six weeks over the summer vacation, I worked as a LuCiD Intern at Lancaster University Babylab under the supervision of Dr Jacky Chan, who specialises in Developmental Psychology and…