Xiaoyun Chen

Researcher (Alumni)

A bit about Xiaoyun Chen


I completed my PhD at Lancaster University on the cognitive and neural mechanisms of curiosity driven by visual uncertainty with Prof Gert Westermann and Dr Katherine Twomey. My current research interest is to investigate curiosity state by linking physiological evidence with behaviours in infants and adults. I am also interested in working on topics related to developmental disorders such as autism.

My role in LuCiD
I am a postdoc on the project using computational modelling to understand language development and curiosity-driven learning in infants with Gert Westermann. In this project, my role is to investigate the physiological basis of curiosity-driven learning and to build computational models to understand curiosity-driven learning in infancy.

LuCiD publication (1) by Xiaoyun Chen
Chen, X., Twomey, K. E., & Westermann, G. (2022). Curiosity enhances incidental object encoding in 8-month-old infants. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 223, 105508.

LuCiD publications (1) by Xiaoyun Chen

Chen, X., Twomey, K., Hayes, M. & Westermann, G. (2025). The limits of curiosity? New evidence for the roles of metacognitive abilities and curiosity in learning Metacognition Learning 20, 1

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