As one of the lucky recipients of the LuCiD Travel Award, I was able to spend time at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig (MPI), working as part of Mike Tomasello’s Child

We know that babies begin actively exploring their world from the very beginning – or even from before birth, as recent research from LuCiD colleagues has demonstrated (1). We also know that the…

Perhaps the busiest and most tiring time of the academic calendar is conference season. Double-checking results, writing (hopefully) compelling talks and struggling against Power Point’s terrible…

I visited my two-year-old niece over the Easter weekend. Before I’d had a chance to take my coat off, she came running over to me with her Oh No, George book under her arm, and asked me to read it…

Last week, I attended the final seminar in the Born Talking series. These events have been funded by the ESRC to bring together researchers, practitioners and policy-makers interested in using birth…

As many parents know, babies start saying their first words somewhere around their first birthday. But there is a lot going on in their brains before that as they start to make sense of the language…