Our 4th Language and Communicative Development conference will be held in Liverpool on Monday 9th - Tuesday 10th July. Prof Morten H Christiansen will give a keynote on Language acquisition as skill…
Come along to our free family fun day at the Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool on Saturday 16th June and discover more about the science behind the way we learn to communicate with language. Join child…
Dr Claire Noble (University of Liverpool) will give the final seminar of the 2017/18 series, on the role of shared book reading in language development. The seminar will take place at the University…
We're excited to have Professor Mark Steedman (University of Edinburgh) giving our next LuCiD seminar on Bootstrapping language acquisition. The seminar will take place at the University of Manchester…
We're delighted to welcome Dr Susan Ebbels from University College London and Moor House School next month. She will present a seminar on Investigating the effectiveness of SLT interventions in a…
Dr Jill Lany, University of Notre Dame, will give the next LuCiD seminar in Liverpool on Tuesday 16th January, 11am. She will discuss how children can learn words from statistics. Venue details to…