Are lockdown babies behind on communication milestones? LuCiD's Dr Katie Alkock recently published an article on Language and communication milestones of lockdown babies in The Conversation UK.

Hungry Little Minds is a Department for Education campaign that encourages parents and carers to adopt positive activities and behaviours to boost children’s communication, language and literacy…

The sessions for the Language 0-7 project have ended and we want to thank all of the families who stuck with us through the most unpredictable couple of years.

This month saw the first issue of a brand-new journal: Language Development Research, co-founded by LuCiD’s own Ben Ambridge. In this blog, Ben tells us why he started the journal.

We are very sad to announce the death of Professor James Law, who has made a major contribution to understanding language development and to children's services. Here is a link to the announcement and

Dr Sam Jones and Prof Gert Westermann published an Learning the meanings of words: The state of the art in a recent edition of the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists' Bulletin magazine.…