Outputs Database

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Parise, E., Csibra, G., Reid, V. (2014). Infant directed speech and direct eye contact share common neural basis in 5-month-old infants. (1) Poster presented at DUCOG - Dubrovnik Conference on Cognitive Development, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Trotter, A., Monaghan, P., Frost, R. (2018). Low-level cues affect the acquisition of hierarchical structure. Paper presented at 26th Conference on Arcitechtures and Mechanisms of Language Processing (AMLaP), Berlin, Germany.

Parise, E., Csibra, G., & Reid, V. (2014). Neural responses to multimodal ostensive signals in 5-month-old infants. Poster presented at the ICIS – International Conference on Infancy Studies Biennial Meeting, Berlin, Germany

Frost, R., Rowland, C., Durrant, S., Peter, M., Bidgood, A., Monaghan, P. (2018). Statistical learning in infants, and its relationship with language development: A study of nonadjacent dependency learning. Paper presented at 26th Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing (AMLaP), Berlin, Germany.

Parise, E., Csibra, G., & Reid, V. (2015). Infant directed speech and direct eye contact share common neural basis in 5-month-old infants. Poster presented at the SRCD – Society for Research in Child Development - Biennial Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Parise, E., Volein, A., Csibra, G., Reid, V. (2015). Ostensive-referential communication fosters the interpretation of pictures of objects as symbols of their own kind in 9-month old infants. Poster presented at the DUCOG - Dubrovnik Conference on Cognitive Development, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Monaghan, P., Brand, J., Frost, R. (2018). Resistance to variability from the environment in language learning: Cross situational learnng of words from multiple cues. Paper presented at 26th Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing (AMLap), Berlin, Germany.

Isbilin, E., Frost, R., Monaghan, P., Christiansen, M. (2018). Bridging artificial and natural language learning: Comparing processing- and reflection-based measures of learning. Proceedings of 40th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 1856-1861. Cognitive Science Society.

Kaduk, K., Bakker, M., Juvrud, J., Gredeback, G., Westermann, G., Lunn, J., & Reid, V. (2016). Relationships between the detection of actions with unexpected outcomes at 9 months and language production at 18 months. Paper presented at the XX Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, New Orleans, LA, USA.

Michel, C., Kaduk, K., Ni Choisdealbha, A., & Reid, V. (2016). Event-related potentials discriminate familiar and unusual goal outcomes in 5-month-olds and adults. Paper presented at the XX Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, New Orleans, LA, USA.

Gerson, S., Ni Choisdealbha, A., Reid, V., & Hunnius, S. (2016). Integration of contextual information on neural measure of action perception dependent on action planning ability at 10 months. Paper presented at the XX Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, New Orleans, LA, USA.

Brand, J., Monaghan, P., Walker, P. (2018). Changing signs: Testing how sound-symbolism supports early word learning. In 40th annual Cognitive Science Society Meeting, 1398-1403. Cognitive Science Society.