Outputs Database
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Showing 181 to 192 of 557
Boeg Thomsen, D. (2017). Irony understanding in young schoolchildren with autism or typical development. Paper presented at the Acquiring Figurative Meanings conference, Oslo University, Norway.
Boeg Thomsen, D. & M. D. S. Volhardt. (2017). Walking and wording the mountains in Yǜhü. Paper presented at Spatial Boundaries and Transitions in Language and Interaction: Perspectives from Linguistics and Geography,Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland.
De Ruiter, L., Theakston, A., Lieven, E., Hilton, M., Brandt, S. (2018). Is before easier than after in German too? Testing the relative influence of iconicity, ambiguity, and language-specific frequencies on the processing of adverbial sentences in German. Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 43) Boston, MA, USA.
Boeg Thomsen, D. (2017). Syntactic mediation of social cognition: Complement clauses and perspective taking in children with autism. Paper presented at the Sixth International Conference of the Scandinavian Association for Language and Cognition (SALC 6), Lund University, Sweden.
De Ruiter, L., Theakston, A., Brandt, S., Lieven, E. (2017). The role of input frequency and semantics in English - speaking 3-5 year olds' comprehension of clause order in complex sentences. International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC14) Tartu, Estonia.
Macdonald, R. G., Serratrice, L., Brandt, S., Lieven, E, & Theakston, A. (2017). The influence of animacy on children’s online processing of restrictive relative clauses. Paper presented at the 3rd Annual LuCiD Language and Communication Development Conference, Lancaster, UK.
Rowland, C. (2018). How children learn language. Presentation at festABLE
Rowland, C. (2018). We'll never discover what is external, and what is internal, to language without multi-methodological approaches. Workshop on What is Language?, Zurich University.
Brandt, S. (2017). Developing understanding of different perspectives in language and false-belief tasks: evidence from German, English, and Mandarin. Paper presented at the Bristol Centre for Linguistics, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK.
Rowland, C. (2018). Lessons learned from trying to build a language acquisition device. (1) Invited talk at Child Language Symposium, Reading, UK.
Durrant, S., Delle Luche, C., Chow, J., Plunkett, K., & Floccia, C. (2017). A tale of two cities – rhoticity. Paper presented at the Society for Research in Child Development. Texas, USA.
Rowland, C. (2018). Lessons learned from trying to build a language acquisition device. Invited talk at AMLaP-Asia Hyderabad, India.