Outputs Database
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Serratrice, L., Hesketh, A., Ashworth, R. (2015). The use of reported speech in children's narratives: A priming study. First Language 35(1), 68-87.
Hervé, C., Serratrice, L., Corley, M. (2016). Dislocations in French-English bilingual children: An elicitation study. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 19(5), 987-1000
Durrant, S., Peter, M., Bidgood, A., Monaghan, P., Frost, R., Bannard, C., Kidd, E., & Rowland, C. (2017). Does variation in infants statistical learning ability predict variation in later vocabulary growth? Lessons learned from the Language 0-5 Project. Paper presented at the European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Utrecht, Holland.
Denhovska, N., Serratrice, L., Payne, J. (2015). Acquisition of second language grammar under incidental learning conditions: The role of frequency and working memory. Language Learning 66(1) 1-32.
Hesketh, A., Serratrice, L., Ashworth, R. (2016). Encouraging use of subordination in children's narratives: A classroom-based priming study. Language Learning and Development, 12(4) 413-428.
Delle Luche, C., Durrant, S., Ratnage, P., & Floccia, C. (2017). The impact of accent exposure in a word learning task. Paper presented at the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Potsdam, Germany.
Reid, V., Dunn, K. (2015). The development of brain mechanisms for social attention in humans. In The many faces of social attention: Behavioural and neural measures (eds. A. Puce, B. Bertenhal) Springer. p.67-91.
Trotter, A. S., Monaghan, P., & Frost, R. L. A. (2017). Auditory-perceptual Gestalts assist in the processing of hierarchical structure. Poster presented at the 23rd annual AMLaP Conference, Lancaster, UK.
Hoehl, S., Michel, C., Reid, V., Parise, E., Striano, T. (2014). Eye contact during live social interaction modulates infants' oscillatory brain activity. Social Neuroscience 9(3), 300-308.
Choisdealbha, A., Reid, V. (2014). The developmental cognitive neuroscience of action: semantics, motor resonance and social processing. Experimental Brain Research 232(6), 1585-1597.
Helo, A., Sirri, L., & Rämä, P. (2013). Mechanisms of scene perception at different ages: The development of eye-movement control. Poster presented at the 17th European Conference on Eye Movements. 11-16 August, Lund, Sweden.
Gredeback, G., Kaduk, K., Bakker, M., Gottwald, J., Ekberg, T., Elsner, C., Reid, V., Kenward, B. (2015). The neuropsychology of infant’s pro-social preferences. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience (12) 106-13.