Outputs Database

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Showing 325 to 336 of 557

Sirri, L., & Rämä, P. (2015). Cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying semantic priming during language acquisition. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 35, 1-12.

Ambridge, B., Noble, C., Lieven, E. (2014). The semantics of the transitive causative construction: Evidence from a forced-choice pointing study with adults and children. Cognitive Linguistics 25(2) p.293-311.

Sirri, L., & Rämä, P. (2017). Similar and distinct neural mechanisms underlying semantic priming in the languages of the French-Spanish bilingual children. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 22(1), 93-102.

O'Grady, C., Kliesch, C., Smith, K., Scott-Phillips, T (2015). The ease and extent of recursive mindreading, across implicit and explicit tasks. Evolution and human behaviour 36(4), 313-322

Boeg Thomsen, D. (2017). Children’s felicitous use of intersubjective particles evidences sensitivity to constellations of perspectives. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics. 2. 19. doi: 10.5334/gjgl.194.

Gobet, F. (2015). Vocabulary acquisition. In International encyclopaedia of the social & behavioural sciences, (ed. J. Wright) Vol25, 2nd edition: Elsevier, 226-231

Jones, G., Gobet, F., Freudenthal, D., Watson, S. E. & Pine, J. M. (2014). Why computational models are better than verbal theories: the case of nonword repetition. Developmental Science, 17(2) 298-310.

Chang, F. (2015). Linking vision and language: From infant cognition to eye-tracking in the visual world. Paper presented at the Kyoto Institute of Technology Seminar on Language Development, Kyoto, Japan.

Alcock, K. J., Meints, K., & Rowland, C. F. (2017). UK-CDI Words and Gestures - Preliminary norms and manual.

Freudenthal, D., Pine, J.M. & Gobet, F. (2017). Cross-linguistic learning of word classes from distributional information. Paper presented at the Third LuCiD Language and Communication Development Conference, Lancaster, UK.

Ambridge, B., Bannard, C., Jackson, G. (2015). Is grammar spared in Autism Spectrum Disorder? Data from judgements of verb argument structure overgeneralization errors. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 45(10), 3288-3296

Chang, F. (2019). Early developing prerequisites for human interactive task learning. In K. A. Gluck and J. E. Laird (Eds), Interactive Task Learning: Agents, Robots, and Humans Acquiring New Tasks through Natural Interactions. Cambridge MA: MIT Press