Prof Julian Pine will give an online talk on children's early language development as part of Pearson Assessment's #SLTLearn online event on 15th July from 14.00-15.00.
Seminars, News, Events & Blog - Practitioners
The first article in a series on language and communication written by LuCiD researchers for Nursery World Magazine has been published. 'Up to speed?' by Prof Caroline Rowland and Dr Michelle Peter...
Attention Speech and Language Therapists (SLTs)! This free workshop aims to introduce SLTs to a range of research methods and resources that could be used to informally assess children’s language.
For decades, developmental psychologists have used ingeniously-designed studies to investigate how children learn about the things they see. Typically, we show children a category of items and let…
Do you champion the speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) of children and young people? Does your setting offer exceptional support and best practice? Enter the 2015 Shine a Light Awards…
Do you want to learn more about how children acquire language? If so, this new online course from the University of Liverpool may be just what you're looking for. Developed by LuCiD's Amy Bidgood,…