Outputs Database
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Showing 121 to 132 of 560
Horst, J., Twomey, K., Morse, A., Nurse, R., Cangelosi, A. (2019). When object colour is a red herring: Extraneous perceptual information hinders word learning via referent selection. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems doi: 10.1109/TCDS.2019.2894507
Martin, J., Bannard, C. & Pine, J. (2017). A training study to establish the cause of children's 'defaulting errors' in Spanish. Paper presented at the 14th Congress of the International Association for the Study of Child Language (IASCL), Lyon, France.
Köster, M., Langeloh, M., Kliesch, C., Kanngießer, P., & Höhl, S. (2019). Neuronal dynamics of infants' understanding and learning from others' actions. SRCD Biennial Meeting, Baltimore, USA.
Kliesch, C. (2019). Parent-child interactions scaffold action segmentation in infancy and early childhood. The 7th Conference of the Scandinavian Association for Language and Cognition, School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University, Denmark.
Serratrice, L., De Cat, Cécile. (2019). Individual differences in the production of referential expressions: The effect of language proficiency, language exposure and executive function in bilingual and monolingual children. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition DOI: 10.1017/S1366728918000962
Serratrice, L. (2018). Becoming bilingual in early childhood. Cambridge University Press.
Finch, K., Theakston, A., Serratrice, L. (2018). Teaching modern foreign languages in multilingual classrooms: An exmaination of Key Stage 2 teachers' experiences. Language Learning Journal, DOI: 10.1080/09571736.2018.1448432
Denhovska, N., Serratrice, L., Payne, J. (2018). Frequency and working memory effects in incidental learning of a compplex agreement pattern. Lingua, 207, 49-70.
Miller, D., Bayram, F., Rothman, J., Serratrice, L. (2018). Bilingual cognition and language: the state of the science across its subfields. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Hervé, C., Serratrice, L. (2018). The development of determiners in the context of French-English bilingualism: A cross-linguistic influence. Journal of Child Language, 45(3), 767-787.
Denhovska, N., Serratrice, L. (2017). Incidental learning of gender agreement in L2. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 46(5), 1187-1211.
Delle Luche, C., Kwok, R., Durrant, S., Chow, J., Horvath, K., Cattani, A., Abbot-Smith, K., Krott, A., Mills, D., Plunkett, K., Rowland, C., Floccia, C. (2016). It's a big world: Understanding the factors guiding early vocabulary development in bilinguals. International Conference on Infant Studies, New Orleans, USA.