Outputs Database

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Virve Vihman, Elena Lieven, & Anna Theakston. (2015). Something from nothing: What do children learn from omitted arguments in the input? Paper presented at the Child Language Symposium, Warwick, UK

Michelle Davis, Thea Cameron-Faulkner,& Anna Theakston (2015). Exploring patterns in tag question production: A multiple correspondence analysis of form and function. Paper presented at the Child Language Symposium, Warwick, UK

Akiko Okuno, Thea Cameron-Faulkner, & Anna Theakston (2015). How does the world look to you? Paper presented at the Child Language Symposium, Warwick,UK

Vihman, V., Lieven, E., & Theakston, A. (2015). Practice with pronouns: acquisition of differential object case-marking. Poster presented at Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston, USA.

Taylor, G., Monaghan, P. & Westermann, G. (2016). The role of storybooks and screen media exposure on children’s language development. Poster presented at the International Conference on Infant Studies , New Orleans, LA, USA.

Taylor, G., Monaghan, P. & Westermann, G. (2016). Children’s verb learning from touchscreen apps. Poster presented at the Lancaster Conference in Infant and Child Development, Lancaster, UK.

Taylor, G., Monaghan, P. & Westermann, G. (2016). Can children learn verbs from touchscreen apps? Paper presented at The 2nd International LuCiD Language and Communicative Development Conference, Manchester, UK.

Taylor, G., Monaghan, P. & Westermann, G. (2016). Children’s verb learning: Touchscreen apps versus live interactions. Paper presented at the British Psychological Society: Developmental Psychology Section Annual Conference, Belfast, UK.

C. De Cat, L. Serratrice (2017). The Bilingual Profile Index: a new, gradient measure of language experience. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, Page: 119-151.

Lieven, Elena (2016). The science behind how children learn to talk and why it matters. Invited talk presented at the Faculty of Education, Leipzig University

Kliesch, C., Reid, V. M., Theakston, A., Parise, E. (2016). Infants’ understanding of teleological
 actions after ostensive communication. (1) Budapest Summer School on Memory and Metarepresentation, Budapest, HU

Kliesch, C., Reid, V. M., Theakston, A., Parise, E. (2016). Infants’ understanding of teleological
 actions after ostensive communication. Lancaster Conference on Child Development, Lancaster, UK