About our seminar series
Our Seminar Series invites language experts from across the world, as well as leading researchers from the Centre, to share their research. Seminars take place monthly during term time either online or at one of our North West universities and cover a range of topics linked to language acquisition. They are open to anyone wishing to attend- contact us to be added to the mailing list. Following each in-person seminar, there is usually opportunity to discuss ideas with the speaker over an informal lunch.
All seminars are FREE to attend, no booking required (for online seminar access, get in touch via our contact form). We are planning to host our next seminar series online but will endeavour to provide blended sessions for speakers who are based in the UK.
Seminar Recordings
- Year 9 - 2022/23
- Year 8 - 2021/22
- Year 7 - 2020/21
- Year 6 - 2019/20
- Year 5 - 2018/19
- Year 4 - 2017/18
- Year 3 - 2016/17
- Year 2 - 2015/16
- Year 1 - 2014/15