2018/19 Seminars
Year 5 Seminars
Date: Tuesday 2nd October
Venue: University of Liverpool
Title: Expectation-driven language learning
Speaker: Dr Hugh Rabagliati, University of Edinburgh
Date: Tuesday 6th November
Venue: University of Manchester
Title: The in(put) and out(put) of syntax acquisition
Speaker: Dr Perrine Brusini, University of Liverpool
Date: Tuesday 4th December
Venue: University of Liverpool
Title: The role of register-specific words in early lexical development
Speaker: Dr Mits Ota, University of Edinburgh
Date: Tuesday 15th January
Venue: Lancaster University
Title: Vocabulary and comprehension: a two-way street
Speaker: Prof Kate Cain, Lancaster University
Date: Tuesday 5th February
Venue: University of Manchester
Title: Experience-dependent brain development as a way to understand systematicity in morphology acquisition
Speaker: Prof Gert Westermann, Lancaster University
Date: Tuesday 5th March
Venue: Brunner Lecture Theatre, Chemistry Building, University of Liverpool (Building 213, square G5 on the Campus Map)
Title: Developmental robotics for language learning, trust and theory of mind
Speaker: Prof Angelo Cangelosi, University of Manchester
Date: Tuesday 2nd April 2019
Venue: Lecture Theatre 3, South Campus Teaching Hub, University of Liverpool (Building 120, square E2 on the Campus Map)
Title: Shedding light on infant brain and cognitive development in Africa: the BRIGHT Project
Speaker: Dr Sarah Lloyd-Fox, Birkbeck
Date: Tuesday 7th May 2019
Venue: Lancaster University
Title: The role of input, intake, and learning biases in the acquisition of (morpho-)syntax
Speaker: Dr Jennifer Culbertson, University of Edinburgh
Date: Tuesday 4th June 2019
Venue: University of Manchester
Title: How children learn to use language for social communication
Speaker: Dr Danielle Matthews, University of Sheffield