2015/16 Seminars
Below are the details of seminars held in the second year of LuCiD (2015-16)
Date: Tuesday 7th June 2016, 11.00-12.30
Venue: Lancaster University
Title: Children's reasoning with peers
Speaker: Dr Bahar Koymen, University of Manchester
Date: Tuesday 3rd May 2016, 11.00-12.30
Venue: University of Liverpool
Title: Incremental learning in novel and familiar word production
Speaker: Dr Gary Oppenheim, Bangor University
Date: Tuesday 5th April 2016, 11.00-12.30
Venue: University of Manchester
Title: Culture and the Origins of Linguistic Structure
Speaker: Prof Simon Kirby, University of Edinburgh
Date: Tuesday 1st March 2016, 11.00-12.30
Venue: University of Manchester
Title: Executive functions and language development
Speaker: Prof Gary Morgan, City University
Date: Tuesday 2nd February 2016, 11.00-12.30
Venue: Lancaster University
Title: Understanding word learning difficulties in autism: insights from infant siblings studies
Speaker: Dr Teodora Gliga, Birkbeck
Date: Tuesday 12th January 2016, 11.00-12.30
Venue: University of Liverpool
Title: A Day in the Life of Psychology: Popular Science Writing for the Sceptical
Speaker: Dr Ben Ambridge, University of Liverpool
Date: Tuesday 1st December 2015, 11.00-12.30
Venue: University of Liverpool
Title: Does Promoting Parents’ Contingent Talk with their Infants Benefit Language Development?
Speaker: Dr Michelle McGillion, University of Sheffield
Date: Tuesday 3rd November 2015, 11.00-12.30
Venue: University of Manchester
Title: Trials and Tribulations: Applying Research to Practice
Speaker: Wendy Lee