2019/20 Seminars
The majority of our seminars in the 2019/20 academic year were postponed to 2020/21 due to the University strikes and then the COVID-19 lockdown. The following seminars took place:
Date: Tuesday 14th January 2020, 11-12.30
Venue: Room 4.04, Simon Building, University of Manchester
Title: Developing language provision across a group of schools: how can we make a difference?
Speaker: Megan Dixon, Education Endowment Foundation
Date: Tuesday 4th February 2020, 11-12.30
Venue: Room 5.05, Simon Building, University of Manchester
Title: Risk factors for poor reading: implications for the relationship between DLD and dyslexia (WATCH THE RECORDING)
Speaker: Prof Maggie Snowling, University of Oxford
Date: Wednesday 12th February 2020, 11-12.30
Venue: Thouless room, Coupland 1,University of Manchester
Title: Learning Words from Context: Predictions of Context-counting and Context-predicting Models on Vocabulary Acquisition
Speaker: Dr Raquel G Alhama, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics