Outputs Database

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Showing 265 to 276 of 557

Jago, L. (2017). Investigating predictors of individual differences in productive vocabulary and their ability to identify late talking toddlers Paper presented at the 3rd annual LuCiD Language and Communicative Development Conference, Lancaster, UK.

Boundy, L., Cameron-Faulkner, T., Theakston, A. (2016). Exploring early communicative behaviours: A fine-grained analysis of infant shows and gives. Infant Behaviour & Development, 44, 86-97.

List, C., Lieven, E., Ambridge, B. & Pine, J. M., (2017). Testing two different models of verb-marking error in children with Developmental Language Disorder and language-matched controls. (1) Poster presented at the Many Paths to Language (MPaL) workshop, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

List, C., Ambridge, B., Lieven, E. & Pine, J. M. (2017). Testing two different models of verb-marking error in children with Developmental Language Disorder and language-matched controls. Paper presented at the 3rd annual LuCiD conference, Lancaster, UK.

De Cat, C., Gusnanto, A., Serratrice, L. (2017). Identifying a threshold for the executive function advantage in bilingual children. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, (40)1, 119-151.

Alcock, K. J., Rowland, C. F., Meints, K., Christopher, A. E., Just, J., Brelsford, V., & Summers, J. (2017). Gesture screening in young infants with the UK-CDI: Highly sensitive to risk factors for communication delay. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Austin, TX.

Alcock, K. J., Meints, K., & Rowland, C. (2017). Gesture screening in young infants: Highly sensitive to risk factors for communication delay. Paper presented at the International Association for the Study of Child Language, Lyon, France.

Frost, R., Peter, M., Durrant, S., Bidgood, A., Rowland, C., Monaghan, P., Christiansen, M. (2016). How do infants use nonadjacent dependencies during language development? (1) Poster presented at Fifth Implicit Learning Seminar Lancaster, UK.

Twomey, K. E., Smith, A., Monaghan, P. & Westermann, G. (2016). Neural Network Models of Psychological Phenomena Proceedings of the 14th Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop (NCPW).

Frost, R., Monaghan, P.. Christiansen, M. (2016). High frequency words assist language acquisition. Poster presented at 22nd Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP), Bilbao, Spain.

Marno, H., Westermann, G., & Parise, E. (2016). Verbal labeling overrides visual similarity during object categorization in 9-month-old infants Poster presented at the BCCCD - Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, Budapest, Hungary.

Dunn, K., Reissland, N. N., & Reid, V. M. (2015). The functional fetal brain: A review of methodological factors in reporting fetal visual and auditory capacity. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 13, 43-52.