Outputs Database

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Showing 13 to 24 of 560

Maitreyee, R., Saxena, G., Narasimhan, B., Misra Sharma, D., Mishra, P., Bhaya Nair, R., Samanta, S., & Ambridge, B., (2023). Children learn ergative case marking in Hindi using statistical preemption and clause-level semantics (intentionality): evidence from acceptability judgment and elicited production studies with children and adults Open Research Europe.

Jones, S. D., Stewart, H. J., & Westermann, G. (2023). A maturational frequency discrimination deficit may explain developmental language disorder. Psychological Review.

Freudenthal, D., Pine, J. & Bannard, C., (2023). Simulating children’s verb inflection errors in English using an LSTM language model. Proceedings of the 45th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 2602-2608).

Monaghan, P., Donnelly, S., Alcock, K., Bidgood, A., Cain, K., Durrant, S., Frost, R. L. A., Jago, L., Peter, M. S., Pine, J. M., Turnbull, H., & Rowland, C. F. (2023). Learning to generalise but not segment an artificial language at 17 months predicts children’s language skills 3 years later. Cognitive Psychology

Zhang, S., Junge, B., Lieven, E., Brandt, S., & Theakston, A. (2023). The Competition Between Processing and Discourse-Pragmatic Factors in Children's and Adults' Production of Adverbial When-Clauses Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research

Jago, L., Alcock, K., Meints, K., Pine, J., and Rowland, C. (2023). Language outcomes from the UK-CDI Project: can risk factors, vocabulary skills and gesture scores in infancy predict later language disorders or concern for language development? Frontiers in Psychology

Brandt, S., Hargreaves, S., & Theakston, A. (2023). Putting Complement Clauses into Context: Testing the Effects of Story Context, False-Belief Understanding, and Syntactic form on Children's and Adults’ Comprehension and Production of Complement Clauses Cognitive Science

Bell, K., Brandt, S., Lieven, E., & Theakston, A. (2023). The acquisition of English modal constructions: A corpus-based analysis Journal of Child Language, 1-38.

Lee, C., Jessop, A., Bidgood, A., Peter, M., Pine, J., Rowland, C. & Durrant, S. (2023). How executive functioning, sentence processing, and vocabulary are related at 3 years of age Journal of Experimental Child Psychology

Chan, K.C. J. , Shaw, P., Westermann, G. (2023). The sound of silence: Reconsidering infants' object categorization in silence, with labels, and with nonlinguistic sounds Cognition

Jones, S.D., Jones, M., Koldewyn, K., & Westermann, G. (2023). Rational inattention: A new theory of neurodivergent information seeking PsyArXiv

Kandemirci, B., Theakston, A., Boeg Thomsen, T, & Brandt, S. (2023). Does evidentiality support source monitoring and false belief understanding? A cross-linguistic study with Turkish- and English-speaking children Child Development, 1-16.